Brazilian Journal of Political Economy: Announcement <p><strong>The Center of Political Economy </strong>is a cultural character association that publishes, since 1981, the <em>Brazilian Journal of Political Economy /</em><em>Revista de Economia Política</em> - and conducts regular seminars and conferences on the issue of economic and social development and macroeconomic stability. <a href="">Read More</a></p> <p><strong>Brazilian Journal of Political Economy</strong> is a peer-reviewed, bilingual academic journal, published quarterly since 1981 by the Center for Political Economy through Editora 34. It is the most cited academic journal of economics in Brazil. <a href="">Read More</a></p> en-US Wed, 18 Dec 2024 10:58:36 -0300 OJS 60 Call for papers - BJPE’S CALL FOR PAPERS ON THE DUTCH DISEASE: BJPE’S CALL FOR PAPERS ON THE DUTCH DISEASE Wed, 18 Dec 2024 10:58:36 -0300