Brazilian Journal of Political Economy <p><strong>The Center of Political Economy </strong>is a cultural character association that publishes, since 1981, the <em>Brazilian Journal of Political Economy /</em><em>Revista de Economia Política</em> - and conducts regular seminars and conferences on the issue of economic and social development and macroeconomic stability. <a href="">Read More</a></p> <p><strong>Brazilian Journal of Political Economy</strong> is a peer-reviewed, bilingual academic journal, published quarterly since 1981 by the Center for Political Economy through Editora 34. It is the most cited academic journal of economics in Brazil. <a href="">Read More</a></p> Center of Political Economy en-US Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 0101-3157 The nature of Central Bank Independence: historical background and rise in the era of financialization <p>This article brings back the debate on central bank independence from its historical<br>origins and its relation to financialization. With financial dominance, States have less influence<br>over central bank policies as they gain greater action capacity through monetary policy<br>strengthening. Central bank independence is an expression of financialization as it makes<br>the monetary authority more susceptible to financial market pressures and simultaneously<br>limits the participation of the State and society in conducting monetary policy.</p> <p><strong>JEL Classification:</strong> E58; B26.</p> Rodrigo Siqueira Rodriguez Copyright (c) 2024 Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 44 2 583 599 10.1590/0101-31572024-3575 The International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) and India: potential and impediments <p>O corredor modelo que se estende de Mumbai (Índia) a São Petersburgo (Rússia),<br>passando pelo Irã e pelo Azerbaijão, é conhecido como Corredor Internacional de Transporte<br>Norte-Sul (INSTC). Esse corredor multimodal tem cerca de 7.200 km de extensão e é<br>composto por ferrovias, rodovias e hidrovias. O principal objetivo da construção do corredor<br>é melhorar a conectividade e as relações comerciais entre o Norte e o Sul. Desempenhará<br>um papel crucial na promoção da cooperação regional e da integração econômica. As relações<br>bilaterais entre os países-membros serão desenvolvidas através do projeto. A Índia<br>terá acesso fácil às nações ricas em recursos da Ásia Central através deste corredor, contornando<br>o Paquistão. Ajudará a Índia, exportando os seus produtos para os países do Norte<br>e Centro da Ásia, incluindo a Rússia, e importando hidrocarbonetos a um custo mais baixo,<br>evitando a rota tradicional de longa data. Na atual situação geopolítica, este empreendimento<br>também melhorará as relações estratégicas da Índia com os países-membros. Embora<br>o projeto esteja atualmente sofrendo de algumas falhas, será um fator de mudança para<br>a política da Índia para a Eurásia num futuro próximo.</p> <p><strong>JEL Classification:</strong> F02.</p> Lakshman Chandra Pal Copyright (c) 2024 Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 44 2 563 582 10.1590/0101-31572024-3556 Francisco Dornelles’ brief tenure at the Ministry of Finance: The decline of FGV-RJ and the Delfim Boys’ dominance in shaping Brazil’s economic policy <p>This article analyzes Francisco Dornelles’ term at the Ministry of Finance in<br>1985. In addition to filling the existing gap in historiography, it reconstructs the thinking and<br>economic actions of Dornelles and Tancredo Neves. Both were conservatives, endorsing a<br>“monetarist” diagnosis of the Brazilian crisis. This conservatism translated into a relative<br>continuation of the austerity policy implemented by Delfim Netto. It is argued that Dornelles’<br>departure from the Ministry of Finance marks an important turning point in Brazil’s economic<br>history. FGV-RJ and the “delfinist” faction of FEA-USP lose their hegemony over economic<br>policy, creating space for other schools, such as Unicamp and PUC-Rio.</p> <p><strong>JEL Classification:</strong> B20; N16; N46.</p> Alexandre F. S. Andrada Copyright (c) 2024 Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 44 2 545 562 10.1590/0101-31572024-3493 Internationalization of Brazilian companies: the rise and fall of a state policy <p>The aim of this work is to analyze the rise of the Brazilian exports and foreign<br>investment support policy during the Lula and Dilma governments (2003-2016) and its fall<br>as a state policy in the Temer (2016-2018) and Bolsonaro (2019-2022) governments. In the<br>first part, we present the theoretical and methodological approaches used to understand the<br>internationalization of companies within the scope of Brazilian foreign policy between 2003<br>and 2016. In the second, we demonstrate the main instruments of state support for the internationalization<br>of national companies in this period. In the third, we selected elements of<br>Brazilian foreign policy for Africa and Latin America as an interface for the insertion of national<br>companies in these markets. Finally, we analyze how elements of the economic and political<br>situation help to understand the fall of state support for the internationalization of national<br>companies in the Temer and Bolsonaro governments, such as the replacement of the Long-Term Interest Rate (TJLP) by the Long-Term Interest Rate (TLP) in the new BNDES<br>contracts.</p> <p><strong>JEL Classification:</strong> F5; F15; F21.</p> Robson Coelho Cardoch Valdez Copyright (c) 2024 Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 44 2 524 544 10.1590/0101-31572024-3445 Industrial policy in Brazil: empirical evidence in a context of structural changes (2007-2020) <p>This work performs a comparative analysis of the economic and technological<br>dynamism of industrial sectors in Brazil during the period 2007-2020. It aims to identify correspondences<br>between these result variables and the practice of industrial policy in industrial<br>sectors. The results suggest feeble coordination among the use of instruments, that most<br>of the sectors did not differ from the general patterns of the manufacturing industry, that exceptional<br>performances are not related to the diversity of instruments, but that the sectors of greater technological intensity seem to have responded particularly well to the combination<br>of BNDES and FINEP funding and use of public purchasing power.</p> <p><strong>JEL Classification:</strong> L52.</p> Luís Felipe Giesteira Thiago Caliari Felipe Orsolin-Teixeira Copyright (c) 2024 Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 44 2 502 523 10.1590/0101-31572024-3537 Critical rationalism and institutional change in Hayek <p>The institutional analysis promoted by F. A. Hayek seeks to understand how human<br>action and coordination among individuals occur in an environment where the knowledge<br>held by each person is incomplete and not fully transmittable. In such an environment,<br>the institutional framework plays an important role in conditioning, at least partially, the behavior<br>of members within a spontaneously emerging social order. In light of this, the objective<br>of this article is to present Hayek’s evolutionary institutional approach by organizing the<br>discussion proposed by the Austrian economist on the subject. To do so, it will discuss<br>Hayek’s distinction between critical rationalism and constructivist rationalism. It will also<br>address Hayek’s explanation of institutional change and delve into his evolutionary approach<br>to the social sciences, as opposed to the natural sciences.</p> <p><strong>JEL Classification:</strong> B25; B31; B53.</p> Eduardo Angeli Copyright (c) 2024 Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 44 2 484 501 10.1590/0101-31572024-3602 Fiscal policy transmission mechanisms <p>The effect of fiscal policy over business cycles has been a source of major controversy<br>despite the growing empirical literature and international experience. This paper proposes<br>an analytical framework that allows us to analyze the transmission channels of fiscal<br>policy, updating the most recent findings after the pandemic. In this way, it aims to contribute<br>to a more detailed understanding of some of the main mechanisms by which fiscal policy<br>affects the economy.</p> <p><strong>JEL Classification:</strong> E32; E63; H62.</p> Manoel Carlos Pires Luiz Fernando de Paula Copyright (c) 2024 Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 44 2 467 483 10.1590/0101-31572024-3507 Industrialization and deindustrialization: an empirical analysis of some drivers of structural change in Brazil, 1947-2021 <p>This article investigates the causes of structural change in Brazil, through the rise<br>and the fall of the manufacturing industry, and the consequences for total factor productivity<br>and manufacturing labour productivity, from 1947 to 2021. Our results show that the industrialization<br>of the Brazilian productive structure is positively associated with expansions<br>in infrastructure investments and with the pursuit of a competitive real exchange rate, that<br>is, with policies oriented towards economic development. Our findings also indicate that<br>such variables exert a direct influence on total factor productivity and manufacturing labour productivity and an indirect influence through their impacts on the Brazilian productive<br>structure. Our conclusions suggest that an important cause of the Brazilian premature deindustrialization,<br>and then of its poor performance in terms of total factor productivity and<br>manufacturing labour productivity, is the adoption of policies not oriented towards economic<br>development adopted since the neoliberal reforms of the 1980s and 1990s.</p> <p><strong>JEL Classification:</strong> O1; O11; O14.</p> Hugo C. Iasco-Pereira Paulo César Morceiro Copyright (c) 2024 Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 44 2 442 466 10.1590/0101-31572024-3645 Commodity dependence, structural reforms, and commodity trap: South America 1970-2017 <p>Commodity dependence is a long-lasting feature of South American economies,<br>with far reaching effects in economic and social performance. This paper focuses in the interaction<br>between commodity prices and real exchange rate and in its effects on productive capabilities.<br>New-Developmentalist approach has labeled that situation as a “Dutch-Disease”. I<br>propose a Balance of Payment Constraint Growth model especially designed to address some<br>specificities of commodity dependence that allow to theoretically analyze this issue. Empirical<br>tests are conducted for the period 1970-2017. It is found that price surges are damaging for<br>productive capabilities only in the context of the dismantling of state intervention.</p> <p><strong>JEL Classification:</strong> C23; E12; 011.</p> Fernando Isabella Copyright (c) 2024 Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 44 2 421 441 10.1590/0101-31572024-3673 The international monetary and financial system and the digital revolution: perspectives for emerging and developing countries <p>This article investigates the impacts of the digital revolution on the international<br>monetary and financial system (IMFS), emphasizing the effects generated by the new China’s digital currency, e-CNY. It is argued that from the point of view of emerging and developing<br>countries (EDCs) the transformations of the digital age imply considering costs and benefits<br>of implementing central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), in a context where this “new form”<br>does not substantially change the hierarchical and asymmetric character of the SMFI. The e-<br>CNY implies the establishment of new disjunctures, such as, for example, developing systems<br>that are interoperable with the Chinese system, or not. This aspect carries a strong political<br>component in the current context of questioning the status quo in various dimensions<br>of the international system. To illustrate this aspect, the article brings empirical evidence on<br>the evolution of the interconnections between the Chinese economy and the main EDCs in<br>dimensions such as convergence in business cycles and financial cycles. Greater integration<br>with China could work as a potential attraction factor for many EDCs, which could gravitate<br>more towards e-CNY in a scenario of greater opposition to the US dollar dominance.</p> <p><strong>JEL Classification:</strong> F33; F50; F44.</p> Luiza Peruffo André Moreira Cunha Julima da Silva Bichara Copyright (c) 2024 Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 44 2 397 420 10.1590/0101-31572024-3560