Protection, dumping and subsidies: the Brazilian perspective

Vol. 9 No. 2 (1989)

Apr-Jun / 1989
Published April 1, 1989
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How to Cite

C, José Tavares de Araújo, and Leane Cornet Naidin. 1989. “Protection, Dumping and Subsidies: The Brazilian Perspective”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 9 (2):178-92.

Protection, dumping and subsidies: the Brazilian perspective

José Tavares de Araújo C
Instituto de Economia Industrial da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro UF/RJ. Brasil.
Leane Cornet Naidin
Comissão de Política Aduaneira.
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 9 No. 2 (1989), Apr-Jun / 1989, Pages 178-192


This paper argues that the establishment of a safeguards code is one of the basic
issues to be faced by the present GATT round of negotiations. Section II discusses the role
of safeguards measures as instruments of protection, shows the problems that arise from the
lack of a code on such matter, and indicates the feasible options for regulation. Section III
analyses the operation of the antidumping and subsidies codes during the eighties, with emphasis
on the impacts of the actions taken by other countries against Brazilian exports, and
reveals the interplay of these codes with other instruments of protection used by developed
countries. Section IV summarizes the main points of the article.

JEL Classification: F13.

Keywords: Trade remedies safeguards dumping; subsides trade policy GATT