New Developmentalism

New Developmentalism

The new developmentalism is a theoretical framework being defined since the early 2000s that searches to understand the developing and, particularly, the middle-income economies; it is also an attempt to study existing developmental capitalism and its alternative, liberal capitalism. It is a step ahead or a complement to development economics and to post Keynesian macroeconomics; it is critical of neoclassical economics and liberal orthodoxy. It is a body of knowledge that uses primarily the historical-deductive method, similarly to what the classical political economy, historical institutionalism and the Keynesian macroeconomics did, instead of the hypothetical-deductive method of neoclassical, which neoclassical economics and new institutionalism privilege.

Developmentalism is a word with at least two senses: it is a form of economic and political organization of capitalism alternative to economic liberalism, and is a theoretical effort to understand development and developmentalism. Capitalism will be developmental, or liberal, per the use that it makes of the two institutions that respond for the coordination of modern economic systems - the state and the market. It will be developmental if it combines in an "even" way the state and the market; liberal, if it attaches full priority to the market. As an economic current, classical developmentalism was originally called development economics. It emerged after World War II, while new developmentalism dates from the beginning of the 21th century.

Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira

Here are the main articles on the new developmentalism:

• Novo Desenvolvimentismo (textos básicos)
• Desenvolvimentismo Clássico (textos básicos)
• Novo Desenvolvimentismo (economia política)
• Novo Desenvolvimentismo (teoria econômica)
• Novo Desenvolvimentismo (contribuições e críticas de terceiros)
• Novo Desenvolvimentismo (aplicado)