
Revista de Economia Política/Brazilian Journal of Political Economy.

The Brazilian Journal of Political Economy is a bilingual, peer reviewed journal published since 1981, which sees economics as political economy.

Papers with Keynesian, developmental, or institutionalist approaches are welcome.

The Journal publishes theoretical papers on economic development, macroeconomics, and the critique of economic theory, as well as on applied economics that contain relevant economic theory.

In the case of econometric studies, the technical tables are supposed to be published only in the journal's electronic edition.

In the surveys or revisions of the literature on determined items, the recent literature must be present, and the Brazilian and Latin-American authors who wrote on the theme must be considered.

The journal publishes papers in English and Portuguese. The papers that don't have as subject the Brazilian economy should be written in English, or translated to English after being approved.

The papers are published according to the date that they are approved, but some priority will be given to the papers in English, to the short papers, and to the surveys of the literature.

In accepting the submission the Journal adopts as additional criteria the scope of the paper and its interest in publishing it.

EconLit, Social Sciences Citation Index, Sciello, Google Academic Metrics, Research Gate