Green economy and green jobs: a multisectoral analysis by means of Spain’s social accounting matrix

Vol. 43 No. 2 (2023)

Apr-Jun / 2023
Published May 10, 2023

How to Cite

Chabán-García, Omar, and Antonio Luis Hidalgo-Capitán. 2023. “Green Economy and Green Jobs: A Multisectoral Analysis by Means of Spain’s Social Accounting Matrix”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 43 (2):380-97.

Green economy and green jobs: a multisectoral analysis by means of Spain’s social accounting matrix

Omar Chabán-García
PhD., Economics Department – Transdisciplinarians Research Group, University of Huelva, San Isidoro University Center, Spain.
Antonio Luis Hidalgo-Capitán
PhD., Economics Department – Transdisciplinarians Research Group, Research Center on Contemporary Thought and Innovation for Social Development University of Huelva, Spain.
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 43 No. 2 (2023), Apr-Jun / 2023, Pages 380-397


During the last decades the green economy has been proposed from different
international organizations as an economic model for the 21st century that gravitates
around respecting the environment. This paper tries to identify, with criteria of economic
efficiency (high economic impact) and social efficiency (high impact on job creation, green
jobs), the “potentially green sectors” that can be stimulated by a national strategy to develop
a green economy in Spain. For this, we will use the Social Accounting Matrix of Spain 2010,
identifying, by means of the normalized absorption and diffusion coefficients and by means
of employment multipliers, the key, drivers and with greater capacity for job creation sectors
from a group of ten sectors that we have identified as “potentially green sectors”.

JEL Classification: B41; C67; J08; Q57.

Keywords: Green economy green jobs SAM model Spanish economy economic policy