The grab of the worlds land and water resources

Vol. 33 No. 3 (2013)

Jul-Sep / 2013
Published July 1, 2013

How to Cite

Obeng-Odoom, Franklin. 2013. “The Grab of the Worlds Land and Water Resources”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 33 (3):527-37.

The grab of the worlds land and water resources

Franklin Obeng-Odoom
School of the Built Environment and Asia-Pacific Centre for Complex Real Property Rights, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia.
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 33 No. 3 (2013), Jul-Sep / 2013, Pages 527-537


In this paper, I review recent developments in global political economy and political economy of development that have captured inter alia the attention of agrarian political economists. I do so through the periscope of two recent publications by Fred Pearce, Great Britain’s leading eco journalist and an edited volume by Tony Allan, Martin Keulertz, Suvi Sojamo and Jeroen Warner, scholars trained in different disciplines and based at various universities in the UK, the Netherlands, and Finland. The account of the pace, places, and perpetrators, procedures, and problems of this particular agrarian model provides fodder for the further development of a locus classicus on what is happening to the land question in this current moment under the capitalist order, a shorthand for which is ‘water and land grab’.

JEL Classification: O13.

Keywords: Land development political economy water financial crises