Summers after Hansen? Comparison of conventional and nonconventional explanations for stagnation in advanced economies
This article aims at presenting and contrasting the conventional and nonconventional explanations for economic stagnation in advanced economies. While conventional explanations impute to a new rigidity of these economies the chronic insufficiency of demand, Structural Keynesianism sees this as the result of the neoliberal economic policies and the destruction of the post-World War II institutions. Marxist explanation, even though do not neglect the negative impact of these policies, perceives this problem as resulting from the formation of the great international oligopolies. Due to similarities and possible complementarity, we think that an approximation between Structural Keynesianism and Marxism would be beneficial to both.
JEL Classification: B50; E60; O11.
Keywords: Stagnation conventional explanations Marxism Structural Keynesianism