To be published


Alternative policy imagination for anti-toxic Indian development
Amit Bhaduri

The international monetary and financial system and the digital revolution: perspectives for emerging and developing countries
Luiza Peruffo, André Moreira Cunha, Julimar da Silva Bichara 

Commodity dependence, structural reforms, and commodity trap: South America 1970-2017
Fernando Isabella

Industrialization and deindustrialization: an empirical  analysis of some drivers of structural change in Brazil, 1947-2021
Hugo Carcanholo Iasco-Pereira, Paulo Cesar Morceiro

Fiscal policy transmission mechanisms
Manoel Carlos de Castro Pires, Luiz Fernando de Paula

Critical rationalism and institutional change in Hayek
Eduardo Angeli 

Industrial policy in Brazil: empirical evidences in a context of structural changes (2007-2020)
Luís Felipe Giesteira, Thiago Caliari, Felipe Orsolin Teixeira

Internationalization of Brazilian companies: the rise and fall of a state policy
Robson Coelho Cardoch Valdez

Francisco Dornelles' brief tenure at the Ministry of Finance: The decline of FGV-RJ and the Delfim Boys' dominance 
Alexandre F. S. Andrada 

The International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) and India: potential and impediments
Lakshman Chandra Pal

The nature of Central Bank Independence in the era of financialization
Rodrigo Siqueira Rodriguez


Financial instability and climate change: new challenges for central banks
Luiz Henrique Bispo Santos, Eliane Cristina de Araújo

Reindustrialization in the sustainable development convention
Carmem Feijó, Fernanda Feil, Fernando Amorim Teixeira

A study of the determinants of the real exchange rate misalignments 
Francisco Eduardo Pires de Souza, Viviane Luporini 

Independency, the 1930s, and developmentalism
Ivan Colangelo Salomão, Pedro Cesar Dutra Fonseca 

Harrod-Domar Dilemma, Thirlwall's Law and Green New Developmentalism
Chiara Grazini, Giulio Guarini, José Luis Oreiro

"High-quality" economic development: China's conciliation between economic growth and environmental sustainability
Gilberto Libanio, Diana Chaib

The BNDES's role in the green economy: institutional framework, disbursements and resources mobilization (2010-2021)
Camila franco Bartelega, Ana Rosa Ribeiro de Mendonça

Economic complexity and elasticity ratio: a theoretical and empirical approach
André Mellini, Guilherme Jonas Costa da Silva 

Growing by decreasing
José Eli da Veiga, Andrei Cechin

Bridging the gap between production and economy: a multi-regional input-output analysis of current Brazilian and Chinese productive and ecological relations
Gabriel Santos Carneiro, Bruno Castro Dias da Fonseca, Jan Klink

Sustainable development in China: the pathway of decarbonizing the energy mix
Isabela de Oliveira Garcia, Roberto Alexlandre Zancheta Borghi

Considerations on currency reform in Germany after World War II
Judyta Przyluska-Schmitt, Dorota Jegorow, Tamás Szigetvári

TO BE PUBLISHED SOON (In alphabetic order) 

Antonio Vogaciano Barbosa Mota Filho - George Bernard Shaw and the making of Fabian economics

Brena Paula Magno Fernandez e Raíssa Vieira Melo - Superfluous women and the invisible economists of Langham Place

Carlos Aguiar de Medeiros, Esther Majerowicz - Contemporary industrial policy and challenges to South America and Brazil 

Célio Hiratuka, Antonio Carlos Diegues - Artificial intelligence in the development strategy of contemporary China

 Hugo Carcanholo Iasco-Pereira, André Roncaglia, Marcelo Curado - Latin American structuralists and the theories of inertial inflation 

John B. Hall - Thorstein Veblen: the independent thinker whose contributions advanced heterodox economics

Luciano Alencar Barros e Carlos Pinkusfeld Bastos - Comparative analysis of different heterodox interpretations about the end of the 'golden age' of Western capitalism

Pedro Lange Machado - Global financial orders and the credit rating agencies: disruptions and adaptations

Ricardo Barboza, Ernani Torres, Norberto Montani Martins, Letícia Magalhães, Thiago Pereira, Victor Libera - BNDES and capital markets: clarifications for the public debate in Brazil

Silvio Luis de Almeida e Leda Paulani - The Eloquent Silence: why are development theories silent about racism?

Tainari Taioka - The philosophical foundations of Keynes' taxonomy and its contribution to economic pluralism

Victor Cuevas Ahumada, Ignacio Perrotini Hernández - Consumer goods and services inflation in Latin America during the COVID-19 pandemic

Wallace Pereira, Fabricio Missio, Frederico Jayme Jr. - Modern services, real exchange rate and economic growth