Degree of organization of the economy and macroeconomic performance

Vol. 14 No. 3 (1994)

Jul-Sep / 1994
Published July 1, 1994
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How to Cite

Mattos, César Costa Alves de. 1994. “Degree of Organization of the Economy and Macroeconomic Performance”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 14 (3):435-48.

Degree of organization of the economy and macroeconomic performance

César Costa Alves de Mattos
Pontifícia Universidade católica do Rio de Janeiro – PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brasil.
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 14 No. 3 (1994), Jul-Sep / 1994, Pages 435-448


This article discusses the question of the relationship between the degree of
centralization of the price-decision-making process of economic agents and the inflation rate.
There are compared in a theoretical model, the conventional wisdom that postulates a positive
relationship between the two variables, the so-called “neo-corporativist” vision that puts
exactly the opposite conclusions, and an alternative conciliating the other two that will be
our principal focus. We will also analyse the behavior of organizations in the economy based
on the Olson work, taking some interesting implications to the model. It’s put in perspective
the question of the Brazilian union organization based on the model.

JEL Classification: E31; J51.

Keywords: Inflation syndicalism neocorporatism