Notas sobre a constituição do capitalismo na Russia: da emancipação dos servos a grando indústria

v. 4 n. 1 (1984)

Jan-Mar / 1984
Publicado em janeiro 1, 1984
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Como Citar

Oliveira, Fabrício Augusto de. 1984. “Notas Sobre a constituição Do Capitalismo Na Russia: Da emancipação Dos Servos a Grando Indústria”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 4 (1).

Notas sobre a constituição do capitalismo na Russia: da emancipação dos servos a grando indústria

Fabrício Augusto de Oliveira
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, v. 4 n. 1 (1984), Jan-Mar / 1984, Pages


This work focus on the transition period in which the main conditions for the capi-talist mode of production was established in the Russian economy. The choice of this country was due to the especial characteristics of its developmental pattern. In the Russian economic history, as opposed to the British case, State and the foreign capital were the main responsible for the country’s economic changes. On the other hand, me formation of a capitalist system has been based upon the big land ownership and upon the peasant impoverishment, instead of a really revolutionary way based on peasant economy. The study has tried to grasp the historical process which has generated the internal market to capitalism and to appreciate the role of both the State and the foreign capital in the large industry formation which, in fact, had already been a reality at the end of l9th century.