Post-Fordism in Brazil

Vol. 14 No. 3 (1994)

Jul-Sep / 1994
Published July 1, 1994
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How to Cite

Silva, Elizabeth Bortolaia. 1994. “Post-Fordism in Brazil”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 14 (3):449-62.

Post-Fordism in Brazil

Elizabeth Bortolaia Silva
Universidade de Leeds, Inglaterra.
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 14 No. 3 (1994), Jul-Sep / 1994, Pages 449-462


Innovative practices in leading Brazilian companies have been noted in a number
of recent research publications. Innovations have occurred mainly in the fields of technology,
organization and in the production and labour processes. How far and deep would these
recent changes need to develop and diffuse in order to constitute a national model of production
and labour management? This article explores the alternatives available to Brazil in the
1990s by balancing the potential of these changes for growth – or for stagnation – in face of
recent international trends towards new production and labour management styles.

JEL Classification: P12; J01.

Keywords: Fordism production system labor management