Documents on the monetary reform of Argentina

Vol. 6 No. 2 (1986)

Apr-Jun / 1986
Published April 1, 1986
PDF-Portuguese (Português (Brasil))
PDF-Portuguese (Português (Brasil))

How to Cite

Alfonsín, Raul, and Juan Sourrouille. 1986. “Documents on the Monetary Reform of Argentina”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 6 (2):322-34.

Documents on the monetary reform of Argentina

Raul Alfonsín
Presidente da República da Argentina.
Juan Sourrouille
Ministro da Economia da República da Argentina.
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 6 No. 2 (1986), Apr-Jun / 1986, Pages 322-334


This is a compilation of documents and speeches by the president of Argentina
Raul Alfonsín and Minister of Economy Juan Sourrouille about the Austral Plan.

JEL Classification: E31.

Keywords: Monetary reform Austral Plan inflation stabilization