Crisis and industrialization in Brazil between 1929 and 1954: The reconstruction of the National State and the national development policy

Vol. 35 No. 3 (2015)

Jul-Sep / 2015
Published July 1, 2015
PDF-Portuguese (Português (Brasil))
PDF-Portuguese (Português (Brasil))

How to Cite

Cano, Wilson. 2015. “ Crisis and Industrialization in Brazil Between 1929 and 1954: The Reconstruction of the National State and the National Development Policy”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 35 (3):444-60.

Crisis and industrialization in Brazil between 1929 and 1954: The reconstruction of the National State and the national development policy

Wilson Cano
Professor Titular do Instituto de Economia da Unicamp.
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 35 No. 3 (2015), Jul-Sep / 2015, Pages 444-460


This paper focuses on the main effects - between 1929 and 1954 - brought about by the economic policy of coffee crisis and industrialization efforts led by the National State. It distinguishes Vargas developmentalism mandates I and II (30-45 and 51-54), comparing it to Dutra’s unsuccessful attempt to restore liberalism (46-50). It highlights the important reconstruction effort of the state and the introduction of national control instruments of economic policy, embodied the extraordinary work of the Vargas’ Presidency Economic Advisory (51-54), where great Brazilian names were enshrined, such as Rômulo de Almeida, Ignácio Rangel, Jesus Soares Pereira, Cleanto Paiva Leite and Tomás P. Acioli Borges, true builders of the major projects and development plans at that time.

JEL Classification: N66; O25.

Keywords: Brazil industrialization 1929-1954 reconstruction of the State developmentalism; economic policy Vargas advisory