Real exchange rate and economic growth

Vol. 31 No. 4 (2011)

Oct-Dec / 2011
Published October 1, 2011
PDF-Portuguese (Português (Brasil))
PDF-Portuguese (Português (Brasil))

How to Cite

Rocha, Marcos, Marcelo Curado, and Daniel Damiani. 2011. “Real Exchange Rate and Economic Growth: A Comparisson Between Emergent and Developed Economies”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 31 (4):528-50.

Real exchange rate and economic growth

a comparisson between emergent and developed economies

Marcos Rocha
professor da PUC-SP.
Marcelo Curado
professor associado da Universidade Federal do Paraná e bolsista do Programa Cátedras para o Desenvolvimento do IPEA/CAPES.
Daniel Damiani
Mestre em Desenvolvimento Econômico pela UFPR.
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 31 No. 4 (2011), Oct-Dec / 2011, Pages 528-550


This paper presents a discussion on the relationship between economic growth and real exchange rate. The article presents the results generated by a dynamic panel that tested the relationship of economic growth with the level of the exchange rate, exchange rate volatility and the choice of exchange rate regime from 26 countries, 13 emerging and 13 developed. The results suggest that the level of the exchange rate and volatility are relevant for growth. Finally, the paper stresses that there are important differences when comparing developed and emerging economies.

JEL Classification: C23; F31; F33.

Keywords: exchange rate economic growth economic policy