From semi-stagnation to growth in a sino-centric market

Vol. 28 No. 1 (2008)

Jan-Mar / 2008
Published January 1, 2008

How to Cite

Castro, Antonio Barros de. 2008. “From Semi-Stagnation to Growth in a Sino-Centric Market”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 28 (1):3- 27.

From semi-stagnation to growth in a sino-centric market

Antonio Barros de Castro
BNDES, President Advisor, Emeritus Professor, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 28 No. 1 (2008), Jan-Mar / 2008, Pages 3- 27


According to recent available information, the Brazilian economy may be entering a cycle of sustained growth. The dominant current interpretation points to the progresses made in terms of monetary stability, Balance of Payments and structural reforms. Indeed, without monetary stability and the commercial opening of the economy, investments would not be increasing and credit growth would not be helping the emergence of millions of new consumers. But these achievements should be taken as generally conditioning, rather than actually shaping the new picture. Some unexpected (not rarely positive) consequences of overcoming the long enduring semi-stagnation, the emergence of China as a major player, and its consequences on the necessary re-structuring of the Brazilian industry, seem to be decisive in the present day redefinition of the Brazilian GDP growth potential.

JEL Classification: O; O11; F4.

Keywords: semi-stagnation sino-centric growth