Kalecki’s investment model: an empirical analysis of the United States, 1948-1980

Vol. 6 No. 2 (1986)

Apr-Jun / 1986
Published April 1, 1986
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How to Cite

Silva, Ednaldo Araquem da. 1986. “Kalecki’s Investment Model: An Empirical Analysis of the United States, 1948-1980”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 6 (2):193-99. https://doi.org/10.1590/0101-31571986-2027.

Kalecki’s investment model: an empirical analysis of the United States, 1948-1980

Ednaldo Araquem da Silva
Graduate Faculty, New School for Social Research, Nova Iorque, USA.
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 6 No. 2 (1986), Apr-Jun / 1986, Pages 193-199


Though published in the early 1930’s, and despite recent interest in his theory,
Kalecki’s investment model has not been subject to much empirical testing. This paper specifies
a three equation short run version of Kalecki’s investment model and estimates it using
annual U.S. data between 1948-1980. A surprising result is that U.S. economy appears to
have been dynamically unstable in the period analyzed, with cycles of increasing amplitude.

JEL Classification: B51; E22; E32; E11.

Keywords: investment Kalecki economic cycle