Recessão, inflação e dívida interna

v. 5 n. 3 (1985)

Jul-Sep / 1985
Publicado em julho 1, 1985
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Rangel, Ignácio. 1985. “Recessão, inflação E dívida Interna”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 5 (3).

Recessão, inflação e dívida interna

Ignácio Rangel
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, v. 5 n. 3 (1985), Jul-Sep / 1985, Pages


When the economy is in recession, inflation accelerates in the Brazilian economy. In order that prices go up during recession corporations, in an oligopolized economy, reduce production and increase prices, instead of doing the contrary, as conventional economies teach. To overcome recession it is necessary that entrepreneurs take advantage of the new opportunities of investment Ira new dynamic sectors of the economy. In Brazil public utilities is the sector that has more opportunity of growth. Private enterprise, national and multinational, that have now idle capacity and excess savings will transfer these savings. To public utilities as soon as institutional and financial arrangements make this possible.