Vol. 1 No. 1 (1981): Jan-Mar / 1981

Vol. 1 No. 1 (1981)

Jan-Mar / 1981
Published January 1, 1981


Employment and wages in industry “The Brazilian case”
Maria da Conceição Tavares, Paulo Renato Souza
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy

The excluding characteristics of the capitalist development model in Latin
America can be manifested in two main factors: low levels of wages, which force workers to
live in poverty, and the marginalization of a part of the population who cannot even match
the level of wage from workers. This paper has the intention to analyze the evolution of in
the industrial sector in Brazil in light of such facts.

JEL Classification: L30; L31.

The financial issue
Ignacio Rangel
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy

The current crisis of the Brazilian economy follows the same pattern of those it
has been going through since the 1930s when the country started its industrialization, that
is, a relevant structural lack of adjustment of the idle and anti-idle poles. This is the way the
Juglar cycles have been occurring in this economy. This paper aims to investigate how the
financial sector is capable or not to support the overcoming of crisis and how reforming it
would make it easier for the Brazilian economy to become more resilient in face of crisis.

JEL Classification: O40; G10.

State and transnational companies in peripherical industrialization
Celso Furtado
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy

It is undeniable the importance of industrialization via substitution of imports
that happened in Latin America and in Brazil in particular. This paper aims to explore the
role the state and transnational companies have had in this process.

JEL Classifiction: O14; L60.

The agricultural frontier
Pedro Calil Padis
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy

Underdeveloped countries can be generally assessed as those with low diversification
and an economy with a strong agricultural sector, a services sector that is dependent
on the agricultural and an incipient industry. This has led many people to think such countries
would have a “destiny” to keep specialized in such sector. This paper reviews the history
of the agricultural sector in Brazil and the internal and external conditions that led to its
development as well as give an analysis of the relevance of population movements that affect
the agricultural frontiers of Brazil.

JEL Classification: Q10; Q18; J61.

Economic policy inflections and crisis: 1974-1980
Luciano G. Coutinho
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy

This article reconstructs the economic policy enacted by the Brazilian government
between 1974 and 1980, looking at the different subperiods along the way, and with
special focus on the attempts of balancing economic growth, debt. and inflation control.

JEL Classification: O40; O11; H12.

Productive and surplus labour
Paul Singer
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy

This paper deals with the difficult dichotomy presented by the Marxian economy
of productive and unproductive labor, as well as surplus, and their uses by different
agents of the economy. It analyzes the concepts in Marx, Baran as well as the development
of the ideas throughout the history of economic thought.

JEL Classification: B11; B12; B14; B51; D46.

Notes and Comments

The state paralysis
Ignacio Rangel
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy

This note is a reply to Bresser-Pereira piece “Endogenous economic policy”, in
which the author also talks about the role of the state in overcoming the crisis the Brazilian
economy faces.

JEL Classification: H10; H12; E31.

Endogenous economic policy
Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy

In this conference, the author discusses how the immobility of the State in Brazil
is at odds with the possibility of solving the current crisis the country faces, namely, how
to stabilize inflation and equilibrate the external accounts, and offer solutions to such issue.

JEL Classification: H10; H12; E31.

External financial opening: a brief report of the Brazilian experience
Alkimar R. Moura
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy

Brazil has been using foreign debt since at least its independence – and issues
in managing it has been going on ever since. This article discusses how it seems that it was
from 1967-8 that the dynamics changed with the financial opening of the country and how
the country became the most indebted country in the developing world.

JEL Classification: J34; H63.