This paper was written in 2003-04 and aims to investigate the two cycles of US economic expansion in the late of the 20th Century and the 2001 financial crisis. For this purpose, it starts an examination of the mutations of the capital since the 1970s. In the end, it analyzes the international context and the changes in the US hegemony nature at the beginnings of the 21st Century.
JEL Classification: G01; E44; F30; F5.
Given the interdisciplinary nature of the field of IPE, this article aims to analyze the theoretical field of Geoeconomics, which is understood here as the study of the effects and the material causes of power disputes between different actors on the international order. In order to achieve this interconnection between the two analytical fields, checking the convergence with the IPE, it explores the parallels and oppositions between the theoretical aspects of Classical Geopolitics and Marxism, which are traditional IPE approaches. In addition, the concepts of Braudel and Gottmann are discussed as alternative and essentially geoeconomic views.
JEL Classification: G01; E44; F30; F5.
Post Keynesian theory is often seen in a somewhat standardized way, possessing a series of attributes common to all its strands. However, it is possible to think that post Keynesianism does not keep the same form when dealing with developed countries and emerging countries. If this theory adapts to the treatment of emerging economies, it is possible that this theory gainssimilar outlines to the economic policies specifically discussed for the analysis of the context of underdevelopment, that is, developmental policies.
JEL Classification: B22; O10; O20.
The main objective of this paper is to present a synthesis of the Chinese industrialization and evaluate if the New-Developmental Theory is capable of explaining the transformation in its industrial structure. In order to do so, first will be presented a brief review of the New-Developmental Theory; next, through a historical perspective, we’ll describe the Chinese industrialization exposing the convergence points with the theory. Finally, we conclude that the theory is adequate to explain the success of the Chinese industrialization.
JEL Classification: O11; 014; O25; O40.
The 2007-2008 international financial crisis (IFC) and the ‘Great Recession’ (GR) had worldwide effects. In the case of Argentina and Brazil, the reduction and improvement in composition of public external debt, the previous policy of international reserves accumulation combined withleft-wing political affinity between governments, provided some space for countercyclical macroeconomic policies. Consequently, its governments were able to face the IFC and GR without following traditional tightened or pro-cyclicalmacroeconomic policies. This article examines the consequences of the IFC and the GR in Argentina and Braziland thecountercyclical macroeconomic policies that were implemented during the period 2009-2014.
JEL Classification: F63; O23; O54
A reading of Karl Polanyi's work gives us a broader and more plural view of the development process beyond the exclusively economic dimension. This scientific textaims to recover the theoretical contribution of Karl Polanyi and its contribution to the understanding of the development process from a plural and substantive conception of economy. The key lesson learned in this research is that regardless of a country's economic system, one should pay attention to the existing institutional variety and complexity of its cultural and social mosaic. True development will only be achieved if it is structured with effective public policies in order to promote this heterogeneity to the maximum possible social welfare.
JEL Classification: B59.
This paper presents the last book that Marx excerpted in his life: La Physique Moderne, written by Hospitalier and published in 1882. This last Notebook (B156, in the IISG's archives) contains hints of other issues that he was researching in his last years, especially societies at the periphery. This combination of issues - an emerging technological revolution and societies at the periphery - may contribute to a better understanding of connections between technological revolutions and the centre-periphery divide. Technological revolutions, sources of new starting points, have been shaping and reshaping the structure of that divide, its nature and structure.
JEL Classification B14; B31.
The aim of this article is to analyzeempirically a dichotomy in the economic literature. The classical view claims that growth with foreign savings is feasible and viable, while a line of critical thinking advocates that foreign capital inflows affect domestic investments only in the short run, being irrelevant for long run growth. The bounds testing ARDL approach to cointegration is applied from 1999:4 to 2017:4. Estimation results show that foreign savings does not appear to explain the Brazilian economic growth in the long run, which is more in line with the understanding of the critical view.
JEL Classification: E63; F21; F32; F43.
The main goals of this paper were to construct a Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) for Brazil using data from PNAD and also provides an analysis of its evolution for the period 2004-2015. The proposed IPM follows the method developed by Alkire and Santos (2013). The results confirm the reduction on the incidence of multidimensional poverty in Brazil. However, people move out of poverty into the stage of vulnerability, showing a gradual improvement on living conditions. Regionally,there was a reduction in the incidence of poverty in the whole country, and notably in the North and Northeast regions.
JEL Classification: I32; I31; D31.
The existence of millions of youths remain in the NEET status brings severe implications for the society and for the economy. Thus, this paperfocuseson the main costs associated with the neet youthidleness through thePropensity Score Matching. The results reveal that the neetyouths accounted for a cost of 0.6% of the GDP in 2015. Considering this significant annual cost and the increasing amount of neet youths in the last years, there is to be claimed for policies that hinder such a growing path in order to avoid severe economic and social losses in the longrun.
JEL Classification: E24; I28; J17; J18; C54.