Even in the most advanced economies, most agricultural production is based on
family labor. This can contradict the classical theories of the development of agriculture as
the destruction of the peasantry and modernization of the agricultural sector. This article analyzes
the challenges to these classical theories, particularly focusing on how to understand
the resistance of non-capitalist forms of production in agriculture.
JEL Classification: Q12; Q11; O13; P12; B51.
Based on the discussions in the developed world and the Brazilian economy
around the sustainability of the capitalist enterprise in the agricultural sector and governmental
policies, this study aims to provide a better understanding of the agricultural sector
in the United States. With this, we look at establishing theories around the tendencies of the
development of agricultural production in a capitalist economy.
JEL Classification: P12; Q12; Q11; Q13.
This note provides initial thoughts on the development of the small family output
in the agricultural sector in the Brazilian economy since the 1950s, focusing on the organic
composition of capital in the whole of the economy and what is the minimum necessary
capital for each sector and the process of valorization of land. The main hypothesis is
that the increase in the requirements for operating as a capitalist productor opens space for
family production.
JEL Classification: P12; Q11; Q13; Q10; B51.
Plenty has already been said about inflation and particularly on the process in
Brazil. This note aims to enrich the debate by discussing the main theories of the causal effects
of inflationary processes and identifying the problems and the solutions proposed to
solve the Brazilian crisis and expose a schematic model of the government policy.
JEL Classification: E31; E51; E52.
This paper aims to identify the main characteristics of the sector responsible for
producing equipment for the sugar and alcohol industry in Brazil, particularly considering
the oligopoly theory. In doing so, the paper also makes a literature review of the theories
that explain oligopolistic models.
JEL Classification: D43; L13; L64.
This note is a rebuke of Antônio Barros de Castro book “O Capitalismo Ainda
É Aquele” and his views on the state of the economic theory, particularly Keynesianism, and
the role of effective demand.
JEL Classification: Y30; E12; E13; E10.
During the 1970s, the American economy went through a period of reduced
growth and elevated inflation. This led to a resentment against traditional liberal economics
and to the election of Reagan. This comment presents the economic policy of Reagan and
the probable impact in the American society.
JEL Classification: E60; H50; H11.
This note is a comment over the article “Notas Introdutórias ao Capitalismo
Monopolista” of J. C. Braga and F. Mazzuchelli published in this journal at volume 1, number
2, expanding on their analysis of the dynamics of financial accumulation in the monopolist
JEL Classification: P12; P17; G10; B51.
This is a response to P. Singer’s article “Trabalho produtivo e excedente” published
in this journal, volume 1, number 1 and expands on the topic of how Marx treated
productive and unproductive labor throughout his oeuvre and attempt a rebuke of Professor
Singer’s idea of a contradiction in Marx’s explanation.
JEL Classification: B11; B12; B14; B51; D46.