Ensaio sobre a atualidade da lei do valor

v. 4 n. 2 (1984)

Apr-Jun / 1984
Publicado em abril 1, 1984
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Como Citar

Paula, João Antônio de. 1984. “Ensaio Sobre a Atualidade Da Lei Do Valor”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 4 (2). https://centrodeeconomiapolitica.org/repojs/index.php/journal/article/view/1889.

Ensaio sobre a atualidade da lei do valor

João Antônio de Paula
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, v. 4 n. 2 (1984), Apr-Jun / 1984, Pages


In what sense is it possible to admit the fitness and relevance of the theory of value nowadays? This is the subject of this essay; an outcome of my thinking of the applica-bility of the Marxist theory of value to present days. Firstly, this essay intends to set the place, the territory where value reigns and where its laws and dynamics are fully effective. Setting the limits of the theory of value, however, means to identify what it is not able to explain and what it does not seek to explain; what is beyond its reach. Secondly, it also intends to discuss the meaning of the theory of value in the present day capitalism: the capitalism of oligopolies, the capitalism where the state strongly intervenes in the economy, the capitalism of administered prices, etc. The conclusion drawn here is that the theory of value is shaken but not abolished; that its absence and silence are equally meaningful; and that there is something like a clamorous silence of the theory of value affecting deeply the present day capitalism.