Política comercial e inserción internacional de la argentina para los años 90

Vol. 16 No. 3 (1996)

Jul-Sep / 1996
Published July 1, 1996

How to Cite

Bekerman, Marta, and Pablo Sirlin. 1996. “Política Comercial E inserción Internacional De La Argentina Para Los años 90”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 16 (3):425-50. https://doi.org/10.1590/0101-31571996-0929.

Política comercial e inserción internacional de la argentina para los años 90

Marta Bekerman
Investigador del Centro de Estudios de la Estructura Económica (CENES). Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires – UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Pablo Sirlin
Investigador del Centro de Estudios de la Estructura Económica (CENES). Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires – UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 16 No. 3 (1996), Jul-Sep / 1996, Pages 425-450


Taking into account the international context, the theoretical debate, and the
lessons that could be extracted from successful countries, the article examines the trade
policy basis that should be followed by Argentina to get a dynamic international insertion.
It is pointed out that trade policy could be used as an instrument of both, macroeconomic
and microeconomic gestion. Its employment as a suboptimal instrument could be justified
when the optimal ones are restricted (for example the case of the exchange rate policy in
Argentina). It is also emphasized that it is necessary to follow a close coordination between
trade and industrial and technological policies to get high levels of investment in the
tradable sectors, an increase in competitivity based in higher levels of productivity, and an improvement in the profile of specialization. Finally, it is pointed out the importance of
improving the autonomy and efficiency of the State to guarantee the effectiveness of the
public interventions.

JEL Classification: F13; O20.

Keywords: International trade trade policy economic growth