Mexico and the Exchange rate

Vol. 15 No. 2 (1995)

Apr-Jun / 1995
Published April 1, 1995
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How to Cite

Resende, André Lara, Adward J. Amadeo, Affonso Celso Pastore, Maria Cristina Pinotti, João Sayad, and Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira. 1995. “Mexico and the Exchange Rate”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 15 (2):294-318.

Mexico and the Exchange rate

André Lara Resende
Adward J. Amadeo
Affonso Celso Pastore
Maria Cristina Pinotti
João Sayad
Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 15 No. 2 (1995), Apr-Jun / 1995, Pages 294-318


The Mexican financial crisis in December 1994 provoked a series of
analyses, on the one hand, on the crisis itself, on the other, on the exchange rate policy
Brazilian economy and the consolidation of the Real Plan. We present below, as a document,
some of the main articles published in the newspapers.