From the national system of technological innovation to the “New Projectment Economy” in China

Vol. 43 No. 3 (2023)

Jul-Sep / 2023
Published August 11, 2023

How to Cite

Jabbour, Elias, and Uallace Moreira. 2023. “From the National System of Technological Innovation to the ‘New Projectment Economy’ in China”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 43 (3):543-63.

From the national system of technological innovation to the “New Projectment Economy” in China

Elias Jabbour
Associate Professor of Economics at Rio de Janeiro State University (FCE-UERJ) and in Economics Postgraduate and International Relations Postgraduate Programs at UERJ, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil.
Uallace Moreira
Professor at the Economics School in Bahia Federal University (FE-UFBA) and in the Economics Postgraduate at UFBA, Salvador/BA, Brazil.
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 43 No. 3 (2023), Jul-Sep / 2023, Pages 543-563


Deep changes have taken place in China over the past ten years. The debate
increasingly revolves around its new dynamics of accumulation, even questioning under
which typology to frame the current Chinese model. In this paper, we propose to correlate
the Chinese national system of technological innovations, reemerged in the first years of this
century, disruptive technologies such as 5G internet, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, and
the emergence of new and superior forms of economic planning in that country, sowing the
seeds for what we call “New Projectment Economy”.

JEL Classification: O1; O2; P2.

Keywords: China development technological innovation economic planning New Projectment Economy