Endividamento e acentuação da miséria

v. 5 n. 1 (1985)

Jan-Mar / 1985
Publicado em janeiro 1, 1985
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Como Citar

Salama, Pierre. 1985. “Endividamento E acentuação Da miséria”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 5 (1). https://centrodeeconomiapolitica.org/repojs/index.php/journal/article/view/1833.

Endividamento e acentuação da miséria

Pierre Salama
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, v. 5 n. 1 (1985), Jan-Mar / 1985, Pages


Today the indebtedment level is raised and the responsibility of this situation doesn’t fall back on International Monetary Fund or the banks. The indebtedment has origin in the functioning of accumulation regimes and in the economic policy followed inthe7O’s. The modification of world economic situation, the crossing of a indebtedment international economy with liquidity to a economy without liquidity are contributed so much to the debt become autonomous in relation to the productive system. The dolarização of economies and liabilities of public enterprises, the fall of real wages, the in-creasing impoverishment of new stratums of population, the aggravation of alimentary misery in the cities, constitute the consequences of this indebtedment.