Distribuição da renda e pobreza entre as famílias no Brasil, de 1980 a 1983

v. 5 n. 3 (1985)

Jul-Sep / 1985
Publicado em julho 1, 1985
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Como Citar

Hoffmann, Rodolfo. 1985. “Distribuição Da Renda E Pobreza Entre As famílias No Brasil, De 1980 a 1983”. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 5 (3). https://centrodeeconomiapolitica.org/repojs/index.php/journal/article/view/1853.

Distribuição da renda e pobreza entre as famílias no Brasil, de 1980 a 1983

Rodolfo Hoffmann
Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, v. 5 n. 3 (1985), Jul-Sep / 1985, Pages


Using yearly data on the distribution of income among families, in Brazil, the pa-per shows that m the period 1980-83 the inequality of that distribution is stable but that the absolute poverty did increase, as a consequence of the economic crisis. The analysis is carried out for Brazil and for four regions: Northeast, Southeast, South and Middle-West. It is shown that the decrease of average family income was greater in the most industrialized regions.